Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Post Christmas

I know I haven't posted anything here in a very long time, but trust me when I say, we've been busy. We had quite the blizzard yesterday that made the roads mile-long ice rinks, but before it really got going, HUGE snowflake clumps were falling from the sky and standing outside the front door felt very much like I might imagine it would be like to live in a freshly shaken snow globe. Awesome.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday, from our snow globe to yours...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When Your Tree Has a Five Year Old Boy...

...two silver balls might have to share one branch,
but R2D2 will have a place of honor front and center.

The tree is up! Leaning slightly to the right and bit uneven in the distribution of ornaments, but up! Let the holidays and merriment begin.