Sunday, May 20, 2007

A Happy Birthday

Thank you to everyone who called to wish me Happy Birthday, and sent cards, and presents, and cake, and cupcakes, and, and, and.....

I had a great birthday filled with the people I love. Lucas took me (and Mom and Ben) out to lunch and behaved beautifully. He took me to the movies in the afternoon as well, Shrek 3, excellent film. Did I mention he spent the whole day in his underwear? That was a super gift, soggy wet pull-ups for an entire day...heaven!

I got a huge basket filled with scrap booking supplies, so that's a great incentive to get back on the ball with my scrap booking. My spa day is coming up on the 25th, so that's something dreamy to look forward to...nothing like making a day drag on for week full of fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are certainly deserving of a very special day-like you! Glad I was able to connect...twice! Wishing you a celebration every day just by knowing how much we love you!