Saturday, November 17, 2007

Super Fun...and I AM Being Sarcastic

Lucas and I both have colds...again. Or should I say still? Same thing, I guess. We tried to go to a few craft fairs this morning, and Lucas was, um, shall we the first two, and moderately well behaved at the third. Apparently, his three year old brain only heard the word Fair...and not the word his expectations of the fun day he was going to be having were blown to pieces when he entered the first gym. The second one was really spectacular, I have to say. I had the NERVE to tussle his hair after I pulled off his fleece hat and he went to pieces. He kept wailing that he wasn't handsome anymore thanks to me. No matter what tactic I tried to use to get him to lower his voice, or lower the volume of his crying and whining, it only seemed to make it multiply times a thousand. And he seems to have inherited my mother's knack for breaking out in hives when he's stressed. He got a big fat hive right on his cheek as I carried him in a barrel hold, screaming and crying (him...not me...heh) out the front door, trying not to knock out any tables along the way. I did manage to buy a couple of really cool key chains made from bending silver forks into neat for my keys and one for Luke's backpack...because, you know, after all that he deserved a little present. Right.

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