Saturday, December 22, 2007

Party Like It's 1999

We had our first annual Holiday party last night at a very fancy hotel by the hospital. Apparently in years past the unit has had parties, but hasn't in several years, and a couple of our nurses decided to organize one this year. Oh. My. Goodness. I've never wanted to go to work parties before, and now I never want to miss one. Let's just say fun was had by all and we closed the place down at 12:30am when the (good-lookin') waitstaff kicked us out. I woke up this morning feeling just fine but by noon, I felt like I had been hit by a mack truck. This means I either need to forgo dancing for the rest of all time, OR start going out dancing more often. Hmmm, let me think, let me think...time to dust off the old dancing shoes and start shaking my groove thing on a more regular basis. I had the best time. I knew this was a great group of people, but I had no idea they were so much fun! I laughed so hard and for so long that I woke up with a hoarse throat and if that's not a sign of good party, I don't what is.


Kellan said...

I am so happy you had a great time - if you woke up hoarse, that must have been some fun party - good for you. Kellan

Anonymous said...

Miss B,
You are right, that Sheraton is one fancy hotel,
miss you lots