Saturday, January 19, 2008

WonderBoy and SuperMama

My kid informed me today that he is WONDERBOY! and I am SUPERMAMA! Which sounds all fine and good until you realize it's just another name for TACKLEYOURMOTHER! Luckily, the only injury I sustained was a nicked lip from a small sharp fingernail...which could have been much worse considering he is a miniature linebacker in training. (All of this happened while he was clad in only a, you know, hehe...funny.) He also told me he had a list of things to do today, which included pinching my bunners. Lucky is the woman who gets to spend her life with my little gem!


Kellan said...

Oh Yes - you are indeed lucky!!! What a cute story. I hope you are having a great weekend. See you soon Anna and take care of the little WonderBoy! Kellan

pmd said...

Wonderboy, future linebacker or nude wrestler? I think either profession would afford him an income worthy of taking good care of SuperMama.

Kellan said...

Hi Anna - thanks for coming by - hope you had a good weekend and I'll see you soon. Kellan