Tuesday, March 18, 2008

His Teen Years Should Be Super Fun

My child has taken to calling me by my first name in the last week or so. He claims that he needs to to "get my attention". Well...he's got it.

Today while browsing through The Store Filled with Things that I Really Don't Need But Sure Do Want The Christmas Tree Shops he kept calling me Anna, over and over, in a crowd full of people. I told him that he may call me Mom, Mother, Mommy, Mama or Dear...but it's not good manners to call your mother by her first name, to which he replied...
"But you don't call me 'son', you call me Lucas....because it's my naaaaaame. Anna is your naaaaame." (Said in the same tone you might hear if the sentence went...."because it's your name.....stupid.")

I, of course, couldn't come up with an answer to that...as it's true.

I am not ready for this sassyness...I want my three year old back...four is mouthy.


Anonymous said...

We've only just begun....(sing-song la-la) can be your theme song for AGE FOUR! It is the 'wild and wonderful' stage that I teach my college-age
Child Development students. Just think: you are doing/living the Practicum for that course 24/7!!! So glad you share the ups and downs of being the mother of a four-year-old. I still marvel at his mastery of language; it is extraordinary!

Kellan said...

Yes 4 is mouthy - but he's awful cute! They all do this at some point - stop answering - maybe that will help.

Have a good Wednesday - Kellan

pmd said...

I agree with ILYOMYTYCESX2, the mastery of his language is impressive. Yes, it must begin at four. I've lost count of the times I've spoken sternly to Sam, "Don't sass me!"

Kate said...

Whoa, are you sure he's not atleast preteen?? That's one smart cookie you've got there! PS...Loooooove the Christmas Tree Shops, and Thin Mints. yum.