Saturday, May 17, 2008

And On the 7th Day, It Came...

This...right here? This is where my LucasBlog turns into a photo blog because that is how much I am in loooooove with my new camera and if you could just hold on one second while I pat myself on the back for making such a good choice, well, I'd really appreciate it. Okay! All done patting! And now I will bombard you with all of my favorite pictures. There are only a million more...mostly of the kid...but this is a good start!


Anonymous said...

Awesome camera!! I want one!! Post more pics!!


pmd said...

NICE!!!!! Love the pics, love the garden. Let me know if you want any Llama poop for fertilizer. For anyone reading comments, Anna's B-day is Monday the 19th. We all love you and hope you get what you wish for, besides that fabulous camera of course.

Anna said...

Ahhhh! Thanks Pam! Another year down...only 60 more to go! ;-)

Single Working Mommy said...

My dumb camera is dying. What kind of new camera did you get?

Anna said...

I got a Nikon D40x and I LOVE IT! I was positive that's what the President wanted me to do with my stimulus money...and who am I to dissapoint the President? ;-) Ritz camera had a Mother's Day sale that included an awesome telephoto lens if you want to check the sales!