Lucas: (Doubled over.) (Clutching his side.) Ohhh. Arghhhh! The pain! I think I ruptured my spleen!
Me: (Completely unimpressed.) Wow. Really? Your spleen, huh?
Lucas: (Gasping for breath.) I think I know what would make it feel better...
Me: (Grasping for remote to turn up the volume.) You do?
Lucas: (Dragging his right leg behind him as he inches towards the kitchen...) I think an ice pop might be the cure. (Big smile.) Don't you?

Where is a four-year-old getting that vocabulary?? Has he ever tried Stewart's Light vanilla ice cream for ailments of any kind? Works for me!!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful, exciting life with Lucas!
I don't blame him. Ice pops are THE BOMB. They are awesome enough for me to act like it is okay that I just said 'the bomb'. haha. Hope you all had a great weekend!
Sassy: No joke...he had three for breakfast this morning. And I'm just going to pretend that the 10% fruit juice sign on the label means that I fed him a highly nutritious fruit salad for breakfast!
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