Lucas and I frequent our little little town's library at least a couple of times a week, and the last time we were there I overheard another mother asking about a season's pass. Maybe you know me...maybe you can figure it out just by reading, but I'm, um, cheap frugal. And I loves me a free pass to, well...anywhere. Turns out our sweet little library offers family passes to just about everywhere in the county, and so I signed us up, and today we went here:

A real working farm about 20 minutes from our apartment.

Pretty majestic, for a farm...doncha' think?

I'm not ashamed to admit that this little beast got introduced to my foot when it bit the hand of one of the kids in our party. He was a mean little rotter...but man he takes a nice picture, huh?

Of all the things to do at this place...the boys where drawn like magnets to this table...of course.

Wild turkeys running from our tractor-pulled wagon ride from the farm.

My own sweet boy, waiting for the tractor.

"Look Mom! I can hop like this! Like THIS! LIKE THIS! Look at me look at me look at me!!!" you feel like you've been there with us.

Tractor Sam at the helm.
The very best part of the day? Ben and Jerry's at the cheese makers shop. Made all the rest totally worth it. Heh.
What a cute post, great pictures and a fun day! I'm glad it was free too - ha! Take care and have a good weekend - Kellan
What a treat to visit a working farm and actually get involved in seeing HOW it works! Super pics of your boy!
Looks like an awesome time! And I TOTALLY feel like I was there with you.
I think we might head to someplace like that this weekend--because the temps have FINALLY broken 90 degrees. WOOT.
Yay for the country! B & J are the men!
I love seeing Lucas holding his Mimi. It's almost like when a man dares to wear pink or purple, so cool.
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