Tuesday, October 28, 2008

There's Really No Way to Give this a Title

Well, now that Lucas has announced that he's "shy", if we make it to a single house on Halloween it'll be a miracle, and that single house might only be Grandma's, but that's okay.
I get to babysit the sweetest little baby tomorrow night which will satisfy my baby cravings for the next long while. They are heaven to hold and cuddle and then heaven to return to their mamas. Not that I'm actually craving another baby. They smell so darn good but I am a woman who enjoys my sleep.
I made a batch of butterscotch cream cheese pecan bars for a friend's birthday that came out so good that I'm planning on whipping up another batch tomorrow all for me mostly for me.
I can't wait to see Halloween pics of all my favorite mama-blogger's cute kids...post 'em when you've got 'em, 'cause I don't know if I'll even get my kid in his.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

It's Not All Fun and Games 'Round Here.

I gladly would've traded my kid for a pack of gum yesterday. Gladly.

I got him all dressed up in his costume and drove two towns away and fought the masses at the mall to bring him trick or treating. It was supposed to be followed by a kids' costume parade, but we didn't make it that far. This child of mine that chats up strangers every where we go burst into tears at the first store. "I'm shyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" he wailed, head in arm, leaning against the wall, working on his Oscar. "I can't dooooooooooooo it!" "I want my costume ooooooooooffff!"

Well, that was fun. No amount of convincing worked and when I hissed into his ear that he needed to pull it together or we were going home, he gladly took my hand and started pulling me to the door. "Good. I just want to be in my own home." he says. What four year old doesn't want free candy? I don't get it. He's lucky Grandma rescued him from his evil free-candy-offering mother for the afternoon...I mean, who knows what I might have offered to do next?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It's only October 22nd, and it's snowing here. Hardly seems fair.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Decision '08

Nope. Not talking about the presidential election...I'm talking about my kid's Halloween costume. A decision has been made (allegedly), and it looks a little something like this:

Disclaimer: That is not my kid. And My, what big feet he has.

Monday, October 20, 2008

How We Spend the Day Without Spending Any Money:

Open the door and send the kid out to play...post mosquitoes and pre-snow. I love fall. No sun screen to apply to a whining kid. No bug spray to torment that same whining kid. No snow pants to struggle with and no boots to find. No wet mittens and no wind stung cheeks. Is there a better season in New England? I think not.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Am.

When you teach your son, you teach your son's son. ~The Talmud

"Are you proud of me?" He asks me dozens of times every day, his face so hopeful. Are you proud of me for brushing my teeth? Are proud of me for putting my shoes away? For washing my hands? For picking up my toys? For finishing my lunch? For finishing your lunch? For peeing standing up?

And the answer, of course, of course, is always YES! For all those things and a million others.

On his best day, every request is followed by a please and a thank you. Every door is opened for me if his little four year body is strong enough to push it wide and his sweet little voice says "After YOU, Mommy". On his worst day a raised eyebrow will produce the forgotten thank you and a pause before a closed door will cause him leap forward to help push it open. I was walking into work tonight behind a man who knew I was only a footstep behind but who let every door slap back in my face...door after door after door. Was it his job to hold the door open for me? No, absolutely not, although I've been in that position hundreds of times and I've always held the door for the person behind me, be it man or woman. Wouldn't it have just been common courtesy? I certainly think so. Guys People like that are why I never waiver in teaching Lucas manners and chivalry. There seems to be so few gentleman left in this world...I'm trying my hardest to strengthen their numbers.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weekend Update:

I've made an appointment for a trim and highlights. Very exciting stuff, I know. I'm not willing to give up the old ponytail just yet, but maybe some warm, carmel-y highlights will do the trick. I used to get a cut and color every six weeks...you know, back in my previous life when my paycheck was my own. Awww...those were the days.

I cleaned off the kitchen table and chairs this week. They've been piled high with junk for some time now, but after cleaning it all up, I served Lucas his lunch at the table instead of the coffee table (where we usually eat). His reaction when I told him lunch was ready was to sail right past the table with his food and plop down at the bare coffee table. I laughed and called him back to the kitchen. "We're eating here?! How fancy!" That is how good my parenting skills are...eating at the table requires an exclamation of surprise on my kid's part.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Long and the Short of It...

I know I don't usually ever post pictures of myself here, but it's time to use your imagination. My hair has grown long enough to touch my shoulders but I don't ever wear it down. It's always in a ponytail from morning til night and it drives me batty to feel it on my neck. However, it's finally starting to look healthy (and after the birth of my boy, it basically all fell out) and maybe even on a good day marginally shiny, so I'm stumped. It's time for a cut or a trim. Do I chop it off at the ears and have to style it everyday, perhaps even looking like I didn't just roll out of bed and throw it in a ponytail? Or leave it long, because realistically I'll go stark raving mad not being able to pull it up?

To cut or not to cut...that is the question.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Trying it Out...

Going with a new theme for the season...like it?

If I was to pull a theme from our life to spruce up the 'ole blog? It would be Star Wars with a menacing Darth Vader face and multiple space ships I don't know the names of. We are all about the Star Wars right now. Elaborate "movies" made with a four year old narrator and two sets of chubby fingers characters racing along edges of couches and coffee tables. Old Star Wars VHS tapes watched in bed wearing Star Wars unders and pajamas. Pasta dinners on plastic Luke Skywalker plates. This is what I've been waiting for...this change from toddler to boy. It's been right around the corner for months now, but it's finally upon us, and I hope I'm ready. But since I'm already saturated with all things outer space and other worldly, I guess we'll stick with a pumpkin theme until the snow falls.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


My new "local" Target didn't let me down. By "local" I mean the next state over, which is still 100 miles closer than my previous "local" Target, although it is plus one ferry ride. It technically doesn't open until tomorrow, but like a chain-store junkie I gave them a call to see if they were opening earlier, and wouldn't you know it?! They were. So I loaded the family up for a road trip. And what a trip it was, easily a one hour car ride split up nicely in 20 minutes chunks: 20 minutes to the ferry, 20 minutes over, 20 minutes on the other side. Also split up nicely by the DHL delivery truck that went up in flames at the ferry dock, easily chopping 10 years off my life, but also giving me something engaging to talk to my (miserable) 15 year old brother about...so it's almost an even trade.

I got this lovely little beauty, which is now nestled in happy harmony next to my cherry red Kitchen Aid, along with some really cool graphic snow pants for the kid. We totally raided the $1 dollar section and the Halloween stuff. In the end, we ended up fitting 4 people, 3 microwaves and various (multiple) other bags in a Honda Civic and drove home. Not a bad trip (minus the terrifying near-death truck fire)!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Up for Debate

So I mentioned a while ago that I bought new running sneakers for myself and my kid, hoping that we might take up running, thereby finding an exercise we both enjoy and maybe even losing a pound or two in the process. Today we strapped on our new sneaks and headed out the door. I was the team cheerleader belting out inspirational phrases like "exercise is good for the body" and "fresh air is good for the lungs" and "we must, we must, we must decrease our booties". And he was the albatross hollering back "I don't even know what that MEANS!" and "I don't 'fink exercise IS good for my body!" We didn't burn many calories. We did manage to at least get the mail from the mail box. It was all bills.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Attention Leaf Peepers:

If you want to catch the New England foliage, come quickly! Lucas and I took a lovely drive on Thursday to a nearby resort town and the colors were just amazing. I did take a ton of photos that I should post, but, meh...maybe later. The very best part of our drive? Ben and Jerry's ice cream and an awesome resale shop where I picked the kid up a LL Bean squall jacket and matching snow pants for $20 bucks. I got home and tossed them right in the washer with some Tide and splash of fabric softener and now they're as good as new! Who knew you could find such a bargain in a pricey resort town?

AND...it's my dear, sweet Mom's birthday today and we made a yummy big brunch for her and her friends. Lucas spent the morning telling all who would listen that each one of her presents was his plan, that the cake was his plan, that the cards were his plan for her big day. He did actually make her cake himself (German chocolate with caramel coconut pecan frosting...YUM), save putting it in the oven and taking it out, which is a big deal for a four year old and he was proud as a peacock, as can only be expected. I got a big fat piece of that cake to bring for dinner...best dinner I've eaten all week, if you ask me.