Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Few Words of Wisdom From Me to You, Son.

Dear Lucas,

If there are only just the two of us living in this house and you decide to do something that might be considered "naughty" and you would prefer not to get caught, then do not leave incriminating evidence at the crime scene, all the while insisting that you were, in fact, no where near the mozzarella when a hole mysteriously got dug from it's center, as it is highly unlikely that the Star Wars action figures belong to your mother. This sort of wisdom is priceless, and should be remembered for the future. Your Welcome.

Love, Your Mother.


Anna said...

liz: EXACTLY! His first instinct was to deny...but he caught himself pretty quickly and admitted that he'd made himself a little snack...

Anonymous said...


Can't wait until Benjamin is doing this kind of stuff.

Although if he messes with my mozzarella I might have to kill him.

pmd said...

Jeez, you don't even have a pet he could blame this on. Did you still eat it?

Anna said...

pmd and MSM: We totally still ate the rest...I'm not CRAZY...we don't throw out perectly good (albeit roughly man-handled) mozzarella! :)

pmd said...

Oh good! I'm not the only one!