Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Boy and His Ocean

We took a day trip with some friends to Maine. Maine is not exactly close enough to day trip, but we did it any way. We left town around 9am (two hours later than we had planned) and got home at 2am. Three mamas and five kids in a 12 seat conversion van. We actually had a blast and I'd do it again tomorrow if I didn't have to work.
Every time I look at that picture of Lucas carrying his foam surf board to the ocean I want to pinch his little booty 'cause he's JUST SO CUTE. ("It's called the BEACH!" he'd yell at me.)


Melissa said...

Awesome pic of Lucas! Looks like the weather was great too! Everytime I am in Maine (York Beach) its COLD!

Anonymous said...

A 'day trip' you say? Are we related?? Good for you and Lucas having fun! Pics are precious!