Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ending the Week With Ice Cream is ALWAYS a Good Idea

Starting the weekend with a flooded basement, however, stinks. My neighbor came pounding on my door this morning to tell me that his washer had flooded the basement. I didn't get that he was trying to tell me mine was also flooded until he spelled it out for me. So instead of spending a leisurely Saturday morning resting up for a long night at work, I get to slosh around my entirely flooded basement with every towel we own trying to stem the flow. On the flip side, my basement was really in need of a good clean out. I just didn't realize it would be this morning.


Anonymous said...

Would you make that TWO bowls? Love to join you!

Kaitlin said...

Sorry about the basement. It's great you have a good sense of humor!

Anna said...

Aunt Mary: 2 bowls coming up!

Kaitlin: Thanks! It wasn't bas bad as I thought it would be. We'll call it spring cleaning! :)