Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sick Day Revisted

Got another call today from the school nurse. So much for that overtime at work. Had to pack my bag up almost as soon as I got there and suffer through the world's worst shuttle system back to my car to pick him up. I made a call to his pediatrician's office and the triage nurse there was kind enough to tell me not to bring him in and infect all the other sick children. To which I said, HUH? What are you there for if not to treat the ill? I mean, I get her point, but she didn't need to be quite so sassy about it. If he doesn't feel well in the morning we're headed in...all those other sick kids can fend for themselves. It's looking an awful lot like last year's pneumonia...


Melissa said...

Yeah, I've never gotten that concept ... cant go to the doctor when you are sick because you might bring the germs and get everyone else sick. Someday somewhere it'll all make sense...not! ;o)

Anna said...

Yeah...I made him an appointment for the very least he now appears to have pink eye. Kindergaten is such a happy little petri dish of germs!