Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Post Christmas

I know I haven't posted anything here in a very long time, but trust me when I say, we've been busy. We had quite the blizzard yesterday that made the roads mile-long ice rinks, but before it really got going, HUGE snowflake clumps were falling from the sky and standing outside the front door felt very much like I might imagine it would be like to live in a freshly shaken snow globe. Awesome.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday, from our snow globe to yours...


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a nice post! I had just used the internet to look up info on snowflakes and then turned to see if you had a new blog. And you did! AND it was about snowflakes! Thanks for the delightful blog with photos. Stay warm!

Melissa said...

Happy New Year to you and Lucas! I hope 2010 brings you everything you wish for!
ps - great shots of the boy and the snow! Love them!