Thursday, February 11, 2010

2010 Has Been Kinda Rough on a Wimpy Sort of Way

So, I made it all the way to 500 posts on this blog and then sort of gave up. The last month has been crazy fast what with the throwing out my back, and then Luke's latest double ear infection, and then I shut my finger in the car door and it is just NOT RIGHT anymore, and the 48hr cold that kicked my booty, and then of course there's this crazy low cough/throat clearing thing I've had since last November that will not go away and MAN, 2010...ENOUGH!

Add that to working full time nights and volunteering in Luke's classroom during the day, and blog? What Blog? one likes a complainer. Ugh.

ANYWAY, it's a new day! We spent the night making valentines for the 22 kids in his class. He wrote his name on every one, bless his heart! Some of the ICU nurses where I work have a community service program called Love Your Heart where they go to kindergarten/first grade classrooms and teach kids about making healthy choices in food and exercise. Each child in the class got to listen to their heartbeats at rest and after jumping jacks with Doppler's and stethoscopes. I asked Luke's teacher if they could do their presentation in his class in conjunction with Valentine's Day (Hearts!) I have some amazing pictures of it and the kids had a blast. I'll have to weed through them all and pick a few without any other sweet little faces in them but Luke's.

And now off to tackle that impossibly large pile of laundry in my basement. I clearly couldn't do any laundry with a bad back, a miserable cold or a bum you can imagine how much it's piled up.


Anonymous said...

So GOOD to have you back! Sure have missed your creative way of bringing us into Life with Lucas! Fingers mend, backs too, and eventually the bottom of the laundry basket will greet you!

Melissa said...

SO glad you're back and seems like, on the mend! Whoa!! I love watching the kiddies write out their valentine's or try to read them! Very cool that you work so hard to have the opportunity to volunteer. It'll be something Lucas will remember when he is adult... = )
Have a fantastic and hopefully restful weekend!

pmd said...

No wonder we haven't seen eachother's faces in months. I get it, I know you and totally get it. xoxo pmd