Tuesday, September 4, 2007

He Might Be Watching Too Much TV...

when his newest catchphrase is "OH, BARNACLES!" Spongebob, anyone?

Also, all of my weeks off for this summer are over. It hurts to even type it. It's not like I don't have plenty more vacation time, I do accumulate it pretty quickly, it's just that summer is over. School has started; Lucas is not happy about the fact that he can't go and I'm praying that he'll still be so excited about it when it actually is his turn to get up early every morning and go learn something.

On the flip, Fall is my favorite season. (Just as a silly side note, for some reason I feel the need to capitalize the "F" in fall but not the "s" in summer...hm.) Anyway, I love the Fall, I love to bake, I love to dress in layers, I love the Apple Fest, I could go on and on and on. Also, I love Halloween, and I already have Luke's costume, so bring it on people!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barnacles? Guess I don't watch enough SpongeBob!! But it sure is cute. Bet you had a nice midweek-good weather (except one day of humidity) and nice breezes! Eager to hear!