Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm the Mama!

Lucas spent the day today pretending that I was "Lucas" and he was the "Mama". It started out when he found one of my hair elastics on the carpet which he insisted I use in his hair, and ended with him washing dishes while standing on a stool bare naked...which I swear I have never done...ever. And while every fiber of my being wants to post the picture of him running around the house with the little bit of blond hair he does have in the back of his head pinched into a ponytail, I don't actually want to embarrass him in any way, not now and certainly not in future...because who knows how long this blog will last.

But it was a good day for me while he sweetly (and mockingly) asked me over and over again if I needed a drink, or a blanket, or if I liked the show I was watching, or what I wanted for 'yunch, or if I needed to use the potty...which got me to thinking: do I do that to him all day? And is it very, very nice of me or am I a total nag? I'm still not sure. But one thing I do know...Lucas has it fairly easy around this place, and so do I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't need a write so well that I got the picture!! Nag? I don't think so!
AuntJane is a 40-year-nurse today!!! And she's in OUR family! Sure makes me proud.