Tuesday, January 1, 2008

We Have Nothing Like This at Home...But We Do Have Whale's Tales, Even Though We Are No Where Near An Ocean.

My very good, kind, generous and pretty friend Melinda, who does travel nursing, is currently in Seattle, and because I am a big loser who refuses to go visit because she is eleventy billion miles away from here and what if I die in a plane crash...my child would be an orphan! she has decided to send me pictures of Seattle's highlight reel, so to speak. That was a very long sentence, I know. But the picture makes up for it...

It's just like being there, huh? Thanks Melinda! We miss you!


Anonymous said...

That is a very naughty picture banana!

pmd said...

What does the front look like?

BlueBella said...

Happy New Year!!!!! Ok I'm a bit late, but glad you had a great holiday!