Tuesday, September 16, 2008

If Only Every Day Could Be This Easy

  • *We woke up at 9:55am. It turns out I am a much happier person in general when I've woken up at 9:55am.
  • *Went to Walmart where my son didn't beg for anything and didn't insist on riding in/on/under their filthy carts. Got everything on my list including a valance for over the kitchen sink which I decided had to be hung before I left for work so I grabbed a chair and hung it up dressed only in my underwear which wouldn't have been a big deal if my neighbor wasn't out smoking on his back deck. Oops. And also, why wasn't he at work.

  • *Went to Toys R Us because I'm the best mommy ever and realized all their Halloween costumes were out on display. We started trying them all on and Lucas decided for the billionth time what he wants to be for Halloween...drum roll please...
    I think it suits him, don't you? Fortunately for me Unfortunately for him, all the registers were down at Toys R Us so we couldn't make any purchases...so he still has time to change his mind. HA!
    *We drove home from Walmart with the sounds of the Jonas Brothers blasting from the car stereo. If you're rolling your eyes at me now I dare you pop over to You Tube and watch their VMA performance. They are cute as a button and wholesome as can be. The boy also ROCKED OUT on the air guitar during the entire song, which, if you haven't seen it in person, is pretty damn cute. Also? The bullet feature on blogger doesn't seem to work...guess I'll have to bullet this thing myself.
    *And finally, my mom bought him a harmonica and he's been playing me a wide variety of lovely ballads on it ever since. I say wide variety because no two songs sound the same. On the way home from all our fun he put the harmonica down long enough to remind me how lucky I am to have him, and you know what? He couldn't be more right.


Anonymous said...

The last two sentences say it all - perfectly! I couldn't agree more!

Kellan said...

Love the valance story - snort! Also love that costume on Lucas - it does fit him - too cute! He's so funny! So are you!

Take care - Kellan

Anonymous said...

He he your neighbor saw you in your underwear. I love how some people call Harmonicas "mouth organs" hehehe.

pmd said...

I may have tinkled a little from laughing so hard when I saw Lucas's smile in the Spongebob costume.

Regarding your neighbor. I might raise an eyebrow and say, "Hubba, Hubba! What about it?" But I know how you feel about smoking.