Saturday, July 21, 2007

Back to Work... days off have flown by filled with family and fun! We had a family reunion of sorts on Friday, and excepting the rain, we had a beautiful day! One cousin of mine who had never even meet Lucas came, and Lucas wowed us all with his ability to whine non-stop for several hours in a row. Yeah. Not his best foot forward by any means. And while his dear sweet Grandma and my cousin Emily insisted that it only sounded that obnoxious to me, I know that the childless cousins in the room where probably thinking my child will never act like that! Oh well. He really did have a great time, but no-nap definitely equals whiny-toddler.

He definitely had a blast with his Great-Aunt who came to visit on Wednesday. She is leaving tomorrow and I just know Lucas is going to expect me play with him as much as she has this week. Hope he won't be too disappointed by my love of the couch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can remember my Grandmother Addie Raymond singing "Five Minutes More" to me over and over when I was the age of Lucas. Now, as "GreatAuntMary Raymond" I want to sing it too! I must be grateful for ALL the five minutes-es (such a word?) that I enjoyed since last Wednesday. I'm a lucky lady!