Saturday, March 22, 2008

Fair Trade

What we have left for the Easter Bunny (from scratch, of course)...What the Easter Bunny will leave for us...(or Lucas, I should say, as I don't really need any more Disney Cars, ring pops or V. Smile games...thankyouverymuch.)

I think the Easter Bunny might be getting the short end of the stick, here...don't you?


Anonymous said...

I could go for one of those EB cookies right now! LUCKY Rabbit! Nice basket that EB has filled for him, too!

Anonymous said...

Got enough stuff in that basket??? Can you say S-P-O-I-L-E-D????? I'm one to talk........LOL

Happy Easter!!


Single Working Mommy said...

Wow. Those cookies look amazing. So I will be able to do stuff like that one day, right?

Anna said...

Single: You absolutely will! It's easier than you might think...

Thanks for stopping by the blog! ;-)

Single Working Mommy said...

OK, I'll take your word for it. :)

I am discovering all these awesome single mom blogs, and I'm loving them! Look for me to be around a lot.

I might not always comment. I'm a big lurker...

Anna said...

Single: I LOVE finding new single mom blogs...if you come across any good ones, let me know!