Monday, February 25, 2008

Throwdown...Bobby Flay Style

Are any of you die-hard foodies? Addicted to the Food Network? Pouring over kid friendly cookbooks daily? Well, we are!

We had ourselves a bit of a throwdown today, a la Bobby Flay, and our dish was good 'ole mac-n-cheese. His offering was Kraft Spongebob mac-n-cheese, mine was actual made-from-scratch mac-n-cheese. We brought our completed dishes to the table to begin the judging. Of course, we were the only two participates, making us the only two can see were this was going, right? You would think that we'd be in a deadlock...but no...Lucas won the challenge. Even though his totally lame box mix was totally lame and from a box, he declared it was both tender, and that he could really taste the cheese, which of course made me melt into a puddle of gooey proud mama and I handed him the title of Throwdown Champion and also the title of Best Kid Ever. So...good day.


pmd said...

Oh! You are so lucky! My son won't even eat pasta let alone cook it. You are a good mama to give him your vote.

Anna said...

That's why your child is skinny and mine has an admirable buddha belly that I occasionally rub for luck! ;-)

Kellan said...

What a cute post and I just love that little champion Lucas - Yay for Lucas!! Hope you two had a good day - Kellan