Saturday, September 8, 2007

Because My Life is Soooo Exciting...

We've been making the rounds of our local (and no-so-local) playgrounds this week, and we've found a few clear winners...

This one, for instance...

which is kind of far away, but super fun with a walking bridge over a river and gazebo, not that you can actually see the park itself, but trust me, it's fun.

Or this one, brand new and covered in shreded tires instead of mulch, which I loved.
Or this one, where my kid was in no mood for pictures, obviously...too bad!

Next week we'll be tackling apple picking and maybe even picking out a pumpkin...cause it's almost Fall...I don't care if it is 90 degrees out right now!

1 comment:

pmd said...

My goodness, he is handsome! Brace yourself for the teen years!